- Cut the bread into small cubes. Froth the butter in a pan, coarsely crush the juniper berries in mortar and briefly sauté them in the pan. Add the bread and roast until golden brown and crispy, shaking occasionally. Remove the croutons and allow them to cool.
- Whisk together the vinegar, juice, mustard, horseradish, salt, pepper and oil. Cut the red beets into 1 cm cubes. Mix the chives with half of the vinaigrette, add salt and pepper to season. Wash the salad leaves and spin them to dry. Mix the salad with the rest of the vinaigrette.
- Wash the apple and rub it dry. Cut it into quarters and remove seeds. Slice the quarters lengthwise into thin slices, mix with the red beet.
- Serve the salad on 4 plates. Arrange the apple and red beet mixture on top. Cut the trout fillet into chunks and distribute them onto the plates.
- Sprinkle on the juniper berry croutons.
Tip: If you do not want the apple slices to brown, you can mix them with the salad.
KANZI® APPLE RICE PUDDING WITH ROASTED KANZI® APPLES & TOFFEE SAUCEdaniel@thelakehouse.de2021-10-03T11:05:00+00:00
Savoury zucchini bread with KANZI® apple, walnuts and pieces of goat’s cheeseMarketing@efcfruit.com2023-05-04T13:17:46+00:00
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