- Preheat the oven to 180°C.
- Cover a baking tray in baking paper and place the sheets of puff pastry on it. Separate the egg white and beat it with one tablespoon of cream. Brush the puff pastry sheets with the egg yolk mix.
- Mix the sugar with the cinnamon and sprinkle it onto the puff pastry sheets. Place two puff pastry sheets on top of the other two. Cut and separate both ‘piles’ into nine pieces. Bake the pieces in the oven for 20 min.
- In the meantime, cut the unpeeled Kanzi® apples into segments.
- Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and heat the honey at a medium heat for approx. 5 min. Stir occasionally until the honey gets darker and caramelises. Stir in the butter, lemon juice and the apple segments and hit them for another 5 min. at a medium heat.
- Serve the apple segments hot with thick yoghurt and the puff pastry pieces.
PUFF PASTRY PIECES AND CARAMELIZED HONEY KANZI®APPLESdaniel@thelakehouse.de2021-10-03T11:31:40+00:00
Curry with potato, KANZI® apple, peanuts and chickpeasMarketing@efcfruit.com2023-04-04T06:57:35+00:00